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Business Writing Skills


In the new global economy it is of the utmost importance that businesses are able to communicate clearly with each other. Increasingly, English is the common language that is used. Being able to express the goals and needs of your business clearly in English is becoming more of a necessity than ever. With the help of our qualified instructors, your employees can learn the skills necessary to communicate exactly what your business needs. By offering all levels of training, Dawson’s Corporate division can tailor the instruction to the appropriate level of the participants. We can also customize the course so as to be relevant to the area of business of our participants, whether it is sales, purchasing, human resources, or any other area of need.


Through the completion of one of our English levels, participants will develop a writing style suitable for business letters, memos and other correspondence such as workplace emails. Participants will learn idiomatic phrases, useful expressions and business vocabulary terms and apply them to real-life case studies.


  • Business letter format
  • Elements of style
  • Business vocabulary
  • Exercises based on case studies


This course uses a student-centered approach to best serve the individual needs of the participants. Through a variety of techniques such as role-playing, pair work and collaborative activities, participants will practice and hone their business writing skills.

Business Writing Skills

Last Modified: March 17, 2016