MTL Elite Conference

April 7th, 2018

Professional artists Yohann Schepacz, Nivanh Chanthara and Marco Plouffe will speak to students in 3D Animation and Illustration for approximately 1 hour with a 20-30 minute question and answer session.

Many of the students in 3D animation, illustration and fine arts have interests in digital painting, character design, story telling, film making, game making, and content creation.  These 3 professionals have each taken unique paths and developed novel techniques and styles expressive of their respective individuality.  The speakers will show insight into their process, artistic philosophies as well as describe how grew to be the artists they are today.


Project Update

The event featured 3 prominent design artists in Montreal in 2D Concept Art and 3D Concept art. They each spoke about their experiences from being students, through the struggles of finding their path and developing their unique styles, to the current day in which they are sought after for their unique visions and skills. It was fascinating to hear them talk about their struggles to go from a new freelancer, bouncing from small job to small job, and in one case starting as a graffiti artist with no real vision of where it would take them.

The audience was half students and half industry professionals. The theatre was nearly sold out with 171 out of 177 seats taken.

Feedback was positive with many students commenting how encouraging it was to see seasoned and well sought-after artists talk about their struggles to gain a footing in a highly competitive industry. A common theme for many artists both experienced and inexperienced is the struggle of confidence and self doubt that is a necessity to make good art and to improve upon your skills. For many young students of art it can have a debilitating effect and cause them to leave an industry before they have made any sort of inroads.


Last Modified: September 25, 2018