Winter 2018

The design and production of an exhibition catalogue is a learning activity within the Studio Arts Integrating Activity course. The Comprehensive Assessment takes place in this course for the students registered in the Studio Arts Profile

Project Update

Exhibition Catalogue for Integrating Activity Winter 2018

The students in the two groups of the Integrative Activity course have designed and produced a catalogue for their graduating exhibition: Sublime. It was a learning activity within the Studio Arts Integrating Activity course. The Comprehensive Examination took place in this course for the students registered in the Studio Arts Profile.

The catalogue demonstrates that the students have successfully acquired the main competency of the course, which is the ability to integrate the creative process in the realization of visual art works. Antonietta Grassi and Lynn Millette were the two instructors teaching the course this semester.

The two groups had common meeting times early in the semester to discuss the catalogue: its title and its design. After looking at a few options Sublime was chosen as the title for the catalogue and the exhibition. The word is meant as an adjective describing both pleasure and displeasure, or attraction and repulsion.

The catalogue promotes the works created by twenty-four students from two Studio Arts Integrating Activity (511-499-DW) groups. Two pages were allocated to each student. They contain a portrait, an artist’s statement and an image of their artwork. Each student worked on a self-directed project during the semester for the graduating exhibition, held at the end of the semester.

Ainaz Nejat and Victoria Klein were in charge of photography. They took portrait pictures of all their fellow students and photographed all the artworks. Loraly Dayo designed the final catalogue based on the comments of the two groups. She created double pages for the students from the visual material provided by the team of photographers and the statements from the students. This activity has facilitated the development of the dynamics of bonding between students and has increased student motivation and confidence. Everyone managed to meet the deadline and the catalogues were ready for the vernissage on Friday May 4, 2018. The exhibition continued till May 11, 2018.

Last Modified: May 17, 2018