
General Links | AddictionsVolunteering | Eating Disorders | Health | Mental Health | Sexuality | Sexual Assault | Sexual Orientation | Sleep | Stress | Student Success | Suicide

General Links

Please review our list of external resources available to you:

The Counseling Center at the University of Illinois has online brochures that are worth browsing:


The National Institute on Drug Abuse is an American site with a comprehensive listing of commonly abused drugs, prevention, treatment, etc.


The Volunteer Bureau of Montreal has all the information you need for volunteering your time and energy at local organizations that are looking for help:

Volunteer Canada hosts a very informative site packed with information on volunteering. Check it out:

Eating Disorders

ANEB provides professional services to eating disorder sufferers with various needs, offering hope and support to people across Quebec:

The National Eating Disorder Information Centre is a Toronto-based, national organization that has been doing excellent work since 1985 in the area of education and public awareness on eating disorders. Check out their very informative site:

Body Peace Canada is for anyone 14+ in Canada, no referral or diagnosis needed. Whether you’re dealing with an eating disorder, or are concerned about your relationship with food, exercise or your body, they can help. Their virtual resources include Peer Support Groups, Mentoring, workshops, and educational materials.


Agence de la santé et des services sociaux de Montréal:

The Mayo Clinic website provides solid, up-to-date information on a wide variety of health and wellness issues:

Mental Health

Verywell Mind answers your mental health questions when they matter most to you. Just like your physical health, they see mental health as a journey, equipping you with information to help you make informed and actionable choices:

The Station to Support Student Mental Health, or Station SME for short, is a dynamic website where you can obtain information for optimizing your mental health and finding help when needed:

The Canadian Mental Health Association is a nationwide organization that promotes mental health and supports people recovering from mental illness:

The American Psychological Association Public Affairs office has prepared online self-help brochures on a variety of topics related to mental health:

Check the National organization’s website if you are looking for clearly presented information on depression, and access to a confidential online screening test:

The Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments has an informative website.

The Jed Foundation’s mental health resources are worth investigating.

The Alliance for the Mentally Ill is a non-profit organization devoted to helping families cope with the effects of mental illness. They run workshops, public lectures, provide information and support.

Here is a guide from the UK on coping skills for anxiety: How to help students manage anxiety


The ultimate Canadian web site devoted to sexuality education and information. An excellent, user-friendly resource:

Sexual Assault

Information on Dawson’s Single Contact Service for students who have experienced sexual violence can be found here:  https://Sexual Violence Prevention and Response (

The Sexual Violence Helpline has resources for anyone affected by sexual assault, sexual exploitation or any other form of sexual violence:

A comprehensive list of resources in Quebec which provide psychosocial support to those who have experienced sexual violence:
Organizations that Help Victims of Sexual Assault | Gouvernement du Québec (

Sexual Orientation

Interligne is a first response centre that provides help and information to those concerned with sexual orientation and gender diversity:


The National Sleep Foundation is a US site with great information on sleep problems and disorders, including advice on how to improve your sleep.


For a student’s guide to managing stress in college:

The Mayo Clinic has tips on how to manage stress:

Student Success

Tips to help you survive college from Coursera:


The Centre for Suicide Prevention is a non-profit organization based in Alberta which offers a variety of services: The Suicide Information & Education Collection is a special library and resource center providing information on suicide and suicidal behaviour on their website. They also offer training programs and advocate and support research on suicide and suicidal behaviour.

L’Association québécoise de prévention du suicide: is an umbrella group that provides documentation, information and access to resources across the province. Their site is easy to navigate and they post a (more limited) English version of their content, too. In addition to being a great website for access to local resources, their online newsletter provides an excellent picture of local research and community interventions.

General Links | Addictions | Volunteering | Eating Disorders | Health | Mental Health | Sexuality | Sexual Assault | Sexual Orientation | Sleep | Stress | Student Success | Suicide

Last Modified: July 31, 2024