
Hélène Nadeau
Department of Physics
Hélène’s primary domain of research is the Theory of Elementary Particles. This work includes the use of bag models and skyrmions to explain static properties of hadrons. Furthermore, she has worked on probabilities of observing exotic particles at future colliders and worked on Non-Relativistic Quantum Chromodynamics. Hélène completed post-doctoral fellowships at Saclay (France), Seoul National University (South Korea) and McGill University.
In 2010, she was awarded an FRQNT College teacher grant to study child brain development using MRI imaging (“Extension de la morphométrie à base tensiorielle pour l’analyse du développement de cerveaux d’enfants agés de zéro à quatre ans”, 2010-2013).
Hélène worked closely with a group of students over the summer of 2015 to facilitate a group internship on imaging technology and health – these students participated in hands-on activities in labs at the Douglas Mental Health Institute and l’Université de Montreal.
Check out Hélène’s publications on ResearchGate.
- Dion, T. Gregoire, D. London, L. Marleau, H. Nadeau. Bilepton Production at Hadron Colliders. Physical Review D (10), 1998.
- Sean Flemming, Oscar F. Hernadez, Ivan Maksymyk, H. Nadeau. “NRQCD matrix elements in polarization of J-Psi produced from b-decay” Physical Review D, 1996.
- Bélanger, F. Boudjema, D. London, H. Nadeau. « Inverse neutrinoless double beta decay reexamined. Physical Review D: Particles and Fields. 53 (11), 1996.
- Bélanger, F. Boudjema, D. London, H. Nadeau. “Inverse Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay Revisited” Physical Review (53), 1995.
- PhD, Physics, Yale University
- M.Phil., Physics, Yale University
- BSc. Physics, Université Laval