Connect to internal and external resources related to the practice of teaching.
Internal Resources
- Academic MattersA Dawson newsletter focusing on pedagogy, research and services for teachers
- Adaptech Research Network
- Course Flow SystemA SALTISE Tool for Visualizing your Course
- Course TimetableDay Courses
- Course TimetableContinuing Education Credit Courses
- DawsonITEA weekly newsletter about Educational Technology
- Decolonizing and Indigenizing
- Graduate Satisfaction Survey ResultsPlease note: sign-in required to access this resource.
- ISEPDawson College Institutional Student Evaluation Policy
- Program DocumentsPlease note: Sign in required to view local program documents.
- SALTISE Pedagogical ResourcesActive Learning Strategies and Approaches
- Social Science Guest Lecturer SeriesPlease note: Sign in to MS365 required to view these videos
- Teaching Anti-Racism
- The Dawson Academic Skills Centre
- The Dawson Library
- The Dawson Student AccessAbility Centre (SAAC)
External Resources
- AASHEAssociation for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education
- AMEQ en ligneRéseau Info Éducation
- APOPAssociation pour les applications pédagogiques de l'ordinateur au postsecondaire
- AQPCL’Association québécoise de pédagogie collégiale
- ARCAssociation pour la recherche au collégial
- CCDMDCollegial Centre for Educational Materials Development
- CDCCentre de documentation collégiale
- CEECCommission d’évaluation de l’enseignement collégial
- Cégep à distanceCollege-level distance education
- CICanColleges and Institutes Canada
- CRISPESHCentre de recherche pour l'inclusion des personnes en situation de handicap
- Critical Thinking ConsortiumPed Day 2020 Keynote Speaker's Website
- Education for Sustainable Development Goals: Learning ObjectivesUnesco Document
- Education News CanadaNews and developments related to the education field
- Educational Kit for College TeachersCollegial Centre for Educational Materials Development (CCDMD)
- EductiveTechnology in college-level teaching and learning
- Fédération des cégeps
- InforouteInformation on Technical Training and Career Programs
- International Journal of ePortfolio
- LCEEQLeadership Committee for English Education in Québec
- MEESMinistère de l’Éducation et de l’Enseignement supérieur
- PavillionDatabase of pedagogical resources
- PERFORMAA program for teachers to learn about teaching at the college level
- Portail du réseau collégial du Québec
- ProfWebPromotes the use of educational digital resources and inspiring pedagogical strategies
- REPTICThe Network of ICT Respondents
- SALTISESupporting Active Learning & Technological Innovation in Studies of Education
- STLHESociety for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
- Teaching in a Digital Age (Second Edition)Guidelines for designing teaching and learning
- United Nations Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs)