IA Awards

The IA awards are given to students who go above and beyond with their projects. They also help their colleagues to present amazing examples of creativity and knowledge. The IA Awards page has all the ward winners’ names as well as, web links to some of the award-winning students’ works. Enjoy their works.

Caroline-Elizabeth Rechtacek for “What would you do?” A horror game in which you are a convenience store attendant that goes to find some missing posters that flew off the store window. You are greeted with a strange entity in the forest. Your goal is to get all of the posters that have flown before you can make it back to the store.
Nicolas Catoir for “Flotting Spiral” (aka ahhhhhhhhhhhh) Similar to a theremin, aluminum balls are used to modify an abstract pattern of shapes, colours and sounds through a synthesizer oscillator. The movement of one’s hand can take control of the art piece and start to experiment with the sounds and colours presented in the projection, creating an interactive experience

Natalie Olanick’s section 511-498-DW / 01
Joe Becker’s section 511-498-DW / 02

Matt Holland’s class502-498-DW 02

Liana Bellon’s class 603-498-DW /01
Victoria Volpato

Helen Karanika’s class 502-496-DW/01
Nathalie Lachance’s class 502-496-DW/02

Michael Filtz’s class 530-498-DW 01
Sam Jemus
Alicia Perrone
Ramona Ramlochand’s class 530-489-DW 03
Andreana Theodoropoulos
Shaelyn Diabo
Reisa Levine’s class530-498-DW 01
Alina Rodyk
Tommy Lemaire
Terry Loffler’s class 530-498-DW02
Edouard Charette
Isabelle Maldonado