Financial Guidelines

Dawson College has a number of policies and practices in place to ensure grant funds are spent and appropriately accounted for.

For the complete guide to managing your funds, including hiring personnel, expense reimbursement and purchasing equipment, please consult the complete Financial guidelines document.

Purchasing equipment, office supplies, and/or services from companies

You can purchase any supplies and equipment that cost less than $100 yourself (except computers, tablets, external hard drives, etc.) The receipt, proof of payment and justification for the purchase must be submitted to and approved by the appropriate signing authority delegate(s) in the OAD.

Supplies or equipment (other than computers or computer related equipment) that cost between $100 and $500 per item (e.g. printer toner, chemicals, lab supplies, tools, some software, etc.) must be purchased through the Clara Purchasing system. The Research Office will be happy to submit a Purchase Requisition on your behalf. If you would rather do it yourself, follow these steps:

  1. To access Purchase Requisitions, login to My Dawson, click on “My Finances Services” on the left, then click “Forms”, and then click “Requisition”.
  2. Requests must be accompanied by a quote. All quotes must include delivery, installation and all items to be purchased from that company. No extraneous items can be on the quote.
  3. The Requisition must be approved online by the appropriate signing authority or delegate.
  4. The time from submission of a purchase request to receipt of equipment is from 1-4 weeks, on average.

Computers and computer equipment are considered essential equipment.

All computer related equipment must be purchased, inventoried, and disposed of using established College policy. Computers and computer equipment may not be bought by individuals using personal funds or College credit cards. 

  • Requests for purchasing computers and related equipment (e.g., printers, tablets, external hard drives, some types of software) or any material goods over $500 (or over $1000 for a quantity of the same item of an individual value of at least $200) must be entered in the Capital Requests System and purchased by the College.
  • The request will be evaluated by the Capital Budget Committee (CBC) and approved by the appropriate signing authority(s). For the CBC schedule, contact Janet Pakulis (
  • The equipment will be ordered by the purchasing department.
  • The Information Systems and Technology (IST) office will receive the equipment, inventory it and notify the project leader when it’s ready to pick up.
  • The time from submission of a capital request to receipt of equipment is 2 to 6 weeks, on average; however, over the summer and if there is a high volume of requests, it may take up to 3 months before equipment is delivered.

Please see the Annual Capital Acquisitions Process for more details. 

All services rendered provided by a registered business must be processed through the Clara Purchasing System.

  1. To access Purchase Requisitions, login to My Dawson, click on “My Finances Services” on the left, the “Forms”, and then “Requisition”.
  2. Requests must be accompanied by a quote. All quotes must include delivery, installation and all items to be purchased from that company. The quote should include the company’s NEQ and tax numbers. No extraneous items can be on the quote.
  3. The Requisition must be approved online by the appropriate signing authority or delegate.
  4. The time from submission of a purchase request to receipt of equipment is from 1-4 weeks, on average.

Travel reimbursements

You have the opportunity to request an advance before going on a trip.

  1. Fill out section 1 (Expense Advance Request box) from the Cheque Requisition Form (available here).
  2. Using the Expense Report Template, attach an estimate of travel, accommodation, meals, and other expenses and a short description of the purpose of the trip and submit this to the appropriate signing authority delegate(s). Include a quote from an online travel website (e.g., Travelocity) for hotel and airfare estimates, when possible.
  3. Please keep all original receipts, as you will have to clear the advance by submitting original, itemised receipts, boarding passes, and/or credit card statements after you return.
  4. If your expenses were less than your estimate, you will need to provide a cheque for the difference when you submit your receipts.

Hiring research personnel

If the nature of the work needed to be completed falls outside of existing collective agreements, 3rd party funded projects will use a Short Term Employment Contract (STEC) available here. These types of positions include, but are not limited to: research assistant, consultant, specialist in a particular area.

Please consult with the Research Office and HR prior to hiring to determine the best employment category for the project’s needs.

Prior to the date you need to hire an individual an, please prepare a Workload agreement form. Please review this agreement with the individual and ensure you both sign it before the employee begins work. This will help to protect you in the case of any miscommunication or misunderstandings as your project progresses.

STECs must be submitted and dated after the work is completed. Please refer to the HR/Payroll website for the documents required for payment purposes.

Forms and Templates

Expense Report Please complete this form to clear an advance or to document expenses incurred on a trip.

Research Assistant Workload Agreement Form. Please modify and complete this template when you hire a Research Assistant to document the description of duties, length of employment and hourly rate.

Consult the College’s Online Forms page for the most recent version of other forms (e.g., STEC, cheque requisition, honoraria supplier form).

For any additional questions please contact

Last Modified: May 28, 2024