
National Forum on Anti-Asian Racism – Nov. 9 and 10

November 9 and 10, 2021

Ryerson University
Renaming in process


The National Forum on Anti-Asian Racism: Building Solidarities will bring together students, staff, faculty and academic leaders, as well as community partners, to engage in a timely and open dialogue about anti-Asian racism in Canada’s post-secondary education sector. Hosted by the Faculty of Arts, this two-day event will build on the important work initiated by the University of British Columbia at its inaugural National Forum on Anti-Asian Racism in June 2021.

This forum will be open free of charge to everyone, with a focus on accessibility. Join us virtually for live panel discussions, moderated conversations, interviews, keynote remarks and engaging breakout and workshop sessions. Participants are welcome to join as many sessions as they are able to attend and recordings of all sessions will be shared with registrants following the forum.

Last Modified: October 27, 2021