Faculty and Staff Funding Opportunities
Programme de soutien à la mobilité professionnelle des cégeps
La Direction des affaires internationales (DAI) of the Fédération des cégeps is launching a call for projects under the new CEGEP Professional Mobility Support Program for the 2023-2024 academic year.
This program replaces the Teacher Mobility Program and now has two components: one for faculty and the other for non-teaching staff.
Volet 1 – Faculty
Teachers’ projects to conduct research projects, offer courses or seminars as guest professors, or acquire new knowledge from Canadian (outside Quebec) or international specialists and partners scheduled to depart between November 1, 2023 and April 30, 2024 can be submitted now. The deadline for applications is September 26, 2023.
A maximum allowance of $3,000 may be awarded for a project involving eight (8) or more days of field work. The allowance covers airfare and living expenses.
Un webinaire pour le Volet 1 – personnel enseignant, le 30 août 2023 de 10 h à 11 h 30. Pour vous y inscrire, cliquez ici.
Volet 2 – Non-Teaching Staff
Applications from non-teaching staff to conduct research projects, prospect for partners or carry out activities to appropriate models, practices or tools with Canadian (outside Quebec) or international specialists and partners whose departure is planned November 1, 2023 and January 31, 2024 can be submitted now. The deadline for the submission of these applications to DAI is September 26, 2023.
A maximum stipend of $1,500 may be awarded for a project lasting a minimum of 5 workdays and a maximum of $3,000 for a project lasting 8 or more workdays. The allowance covers airfare and living expenses.
Un webinaire pour le Volet 2 – personnel non enseignant, le 31 août 2023 de 13 h 30 à 15 h. Pour vous y inscrire, cliquez ici.
Program Standards
Program standards, project application forms, and an application guide are available on the DAI website. All applications will be evaluated according to the criteria listed therein. The guidelines and objectives for the two components of the program (teaching and non-teaching staff) are separate, so be sure to thoroughly review them.
Here are some notes that may help in writing an application:
– Projects submitted should not be confused with projects to accompany student internships, validate internship settings, supervise interns, or participate in conferences.
– The goal should not consist of a series of institutional visits, but rather focus on working with one or two recognized partners. A trip consisting of multiple site visits must be justified by specific objectives to be met.
– Each individual may receive only one stipend per twelve month period.
– Only complete applications will be considered.
Deadline to submit documents (listed below) to International Development: September 18, 2023
Documents needed:
- Completed online application form
- Letter of support from management/director
- Letter of invitation from the Canadian or foreign partner specifying the dates of the project
- Detailed schedule of activities (day by day) and,
- the curriculum vitae of the individual
For further information on Direction des Affaires International funding opportunities, please contact: