Our Publications

Mobilising Knowledge: Our Words, Our Message
Un plantel sustentable cuida la vida, el agua, la energía, evita la generación de basura, incorpora contenidos ambientales al currículum educativo, busca la equidad y justicia social, genera ambientes de paz y armonía entre los seres humanos y su entorno natural y con este fin, favorece el desarrollo de liderazgos para que la comunidad educativa trabaje con alegría, paz y esperanza, de manera organizada.
Compartiendo Saberes para Crear Planteles Educativos Sustentables, Gisela Frias & Margarita Hurtado
Sustainable Campuses is a participatory action research initiative. Research plays a key role as a means of generation knowledge as well as action. Our project’s main intentions have been to acknowledge the knowledge of the different members of our educational communities and to share our collective knowledge widely.
The path to transformation lies along many different routes that often intersect. The different facets of the Sustainable Campuses initiative has been captured in photos, videos and words since 2012. Since the early days of this project our dedicated team (faculty, staff and students) have systematized their experiences in Blogs, social media outlets, published articles, radio interviews, research reports and even a book, Sharing our Knowledge to Create Sustainable Campuses which is available in Spanish, English and French.