At the Faculty Hub this week


Thursday, May 7: 10 a.m – 11 a.m.

Season Finale: Final Exam on Moodle
Join Dawson Faculty and Ped Counsellors as they review an example of an exam in Moodle, share practices and answer questions.

Thursday, May 7: 4 p.m. – 5 p.m.

The New Age of Assessing Online Learning: Exploring This Next Generation
Join Dr. Paula Bigatel, PhD Ed. in an interactive webinar that will explore research-based learning assessment strategies and techniques for online teaching and learning. Participants will discuss:

  • How to articulate a purpose for assessments
  • Ways to create a variety of assessments to accommodate different types of learners
  • Assessments that focus on higher order thinking skills
  • Ways to encourage self-directed learning and ideas for real-world based performance assessments that consider student input

Friday, May 8: 2:30 p.m. – 4 p.m

Engaging Students Online – A Cracker-Barrel/Show & Tell sponsored by the Dawson Active Learning Community (DALC)

Join Dawson teachers to see how they are using online tools and techniques for a more dynamic and engaging online learning process.

This interactive workshop will use a “cracker-barrel” format:

1) Dawson teachers will show & tell how they are using tools like Instagram, interactive video, forums and quizzes to engage their students, and

2) Participants will be invited to discuss in breakout rooms that focus on one specific tool. A perfect opportunity for teachers who have survived the shock of switching to online teaching and are now thinking about ways to focus more on online learning and engaging students meaningfully in their course(s).

Last Modified: May 5, 2020