Accessing the online collection off-campus
May 5th, 2020
Head over to the Dawson College Library homepage and click on “Login off campus” right underneath the search bar in the centre of the page. Enter your network credentials (not the Omnivox login), and voilà! You are in! Use the Discovery Service search bar to find eBooks and academic journal articles.
Having trouble accessing an eBook, finding scholarly sources, evaluating information, citing sources, or just have a general question? Write to us at Ask-a-Librarian and we will be in touch with you right away.
Remote learning tips video by Counselling
May 5th, 2020
The Counselling Department has made a video about tips for remote learning. Click Read More to view the video.
Coach of the Year Trevor Williams celebrating 20th at Dawson
April 28th, 2020
Basketball is just a tool to get the players to believe they can do the impossible, says Trevor Williams, who is celebrating his 20th anniversary as coach of the legendary women's Division 1 Dawson Blues Basketball team.
Click Read More for the homepage news story.
Performance of Dawson student who placed 2nd in singing contest
April 28th, 2020
April 28th, 2020
Given the exceptional circumstances we are all adapting to, we have made some changes to facilitate the referral of students to the Counselling Service. We have streamlined all inquiries and referrals from teachers & other personnel to a single point of entry. All applications for distance counselling, as well as any student centered mental health related inquiries, can…
Watch and vote for three Dawson students in singing competition April 27
April 21st, 2020
Dawson was to have hosted the 2020 Intercollegiate Unplugged Singing Competition on April 27.
The competition has moved online and everyone can join a Facebook Watch Party this coming Monday at 7 p.m.on the Campus Life and Leadership Facebook page.
Three Dawson students are finalists in the competition: Jeanne Brabant, Jesse Caruso, and Aaron Patrick Dalangin. Viewers can vote for their favourite performance, along with three local celebrity judges.
April 21st, 2020
The past six weeks have been very challenging for all of us and for our students as well. We have been racing against time to ensure that we could, as much as possible, save this semester by re-organizing classes and deploying online services to support our students. You can find a list of available services…
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Last Modified: May 5, 2020