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Continuing Education Discount

All Dawson alumni can take courses in Continuing Education at a 10% discount.

Fitness & Recreation Discounts

Alumni pricing is available for fitness group classes and gym memberships at our Campus Recreation facilities.

Dawson Alumni News


Testimonies reveal impact of New School on alumni

Leading up to the reunion and 50th anniversary celebration, New School alumni were asked to share their stories “because of New School.” Here is a selection of testimonies from alumni of various decades.

Red-Shouldered Hawk-3

Dawson community has now identified 1,000 species on campus!

The Dawson community has now reached the goal of identifying 1,000 species on our downtown Montreal urban campus!

Visit of David Wigglesworth March 8 2024

Architect recalls transforming the motherhouse into Dawson

David Wigglesworth was never a teacher or staff member at Dawson but he worked here for 10 years.

David was the architect who oversaw the transformation of the Motherhouse of the Congrégation de Notre-Dame into Dawson College in the 1980s. On May 16, the Westmount Historical Association invited him to tell the story of this enormous project.

Last Modified: January 10, 2025