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Pioneer of palliative care nursing leaves lasting legacy


Jennifer Pratt Manitt was a member of Dawson’s first Nursing graduating class in 1972 who went on to become a pioneer in the practice of palliative care nursing, not only in administering pain medication, but most significantly in comforting the dying. Jennifer Manitt passed away on March 30, 2018 at the age of 66, ending her days in the Royal Victoria palliative care unit she helped to found, now relocated to the NDG site of the former Glen Yards.

Jennifer embodied the qualities of a compassionate, caring nurse from her earliest days in the profession, but she found her true calling in palliative care. She began her career at the Montreal Children’s Hospital and joined the Royal Victoria Hospital in 1976. She worked closely with Dr. Balfour Mount in establishing the Royal Victoria palliative care unit. Dr. Mount is acknowledged as the father of palliative medicine in North America.

The family and friends of Jennifer Pratt Manitt chose to honour her memory by establishing an award in her name for nursing students. Through their generosity, an award will be offered annually to an empathic Nursing student.

If you wish to support the Jennifer Manitt Memorial Award, please click here.

From left to right: Francis Lessard (Dawson College Foundation, Executive Director); Catherine Moore (Dawson College, Nursing Department Chairperson); Lauren Cracower, Jennifer Manitt’s daughter-in-law, her son Chris Manitt, Dawson graduate, Social Science, 1998 and husband Steve Manitt1971 Dawson graduate ; Ursula N. Cabral (Dawson College Foundation, Philanthropic Development Advisor).

Last Modified: October 19, 2018