Student Testimonials
We asked past and present Reflection students to share what they loved about their experience in Reflections…

- “I love Reflections because it allows students to share their ideas and perspectives. It is a community of people who are like minded, and teachers treat you as equals!” – Gong Ming Zheng
- “I love Reflections because of the open mindedness of the classes and because your opinions are valid, respected and listened to!” – Hannah Kirk

- “I love Reflections because it is the ideal location for students to voice their opinions on key social issues and thereby enforce their sense of self confidence, and grow alongside great students and teachers!” – Mimosa Luigi
- “I love Reflections because it is both a comfortable environment to learn in and a space that offers and allows a more stimulating discussion to be had between teachers and students.” – Dardan Isufi

- ” I like Reflections because it allows a unique learning experience where you learn about a precise topic with a small group that gets to know each other really well over the course of a semester!” – Peter Tchir Jr
- “I love Reflections because the teachers actually treat you like adults and listen to what you have to say!” – Troy Lipensky
- “I love Reflections because the course contents are significantly more interesting and motivate students to engage not only with the course material but others and give their opinion!” – Julia Cohen

- “I love Reflections because it has become a home for me at Dawson. The students and teachers are like family, supportive and encouraging and constantly debating and challenging us to grow in our views and opinions. The classroom incites a sense of comfort and camaraderie not offered anywhere else, which provides an exciting environment to engage and discuss the always interesting and challenging class content and debate about it. Finally, whether its your first, third or sixth semester, everyone is welcome here, and in a cegep as big as Dawson, it’s always important to find a place that you can call your own, and thankfully Reflections offers exactly that.” – Catherine Duret