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Video addressed to teachers from the First Peoples’ storytelling (FPPSE) project

March 23rd, 2021

“…as a teacher, I think you don’t have the sole responsibility of teaching a curriculum, you have the responsibility of being acquainted with your student, and knowing their strengths as well as the emotional pitfalls or whatever struggles that they’re going through. Because if you don’t, then you’re not reaching them. It just takes a bit of your time, compassion and understanding.“

“My first year I never went to see my teachers. I was too shy, I never had that role before. I never had to ask an adult for help for something so serious like school. After a year, I realized that teachers are nice. And I can actually go ask them questions.”

“Your language and how you speak, it’s the simplest things in the world that could really affect a person’s educational outcome so it’s really important that our identities are considered.”

-Quotes from First Peoples' Post-Secondary Storytelling Exchange (FPPSE) storytellers 

In this 20-minute video produced by the First Peoples' Post-Secondary Storytelling Exchange, Indigenous students and families share experiences of post-secondary education, offer suggestions for teachers and make recommendations for creating safe learning environments.

Click Read More to watch the video.

DawsonAI coordinator in Billie Holiday film

March 23rd, 2021

Myriam Dimanche of the DawsonAI team (pictured in costume) had an interesting experience in the Fall of 2019 and now you can see her on film! In her own words:

I was an extra in the Lee Daniels film The United States vs. Billie Holiday and it's finally available for rent or purchase in Canada!
Fun facts:
  • Yes, I did meet Andra Day. 
  • The director Lee Daniels was pretty easy to work with. He gave nice pep talks, especially when we were shooting long hours.
  • My scenes were basically cut. You just see my faded figure cross behind as Jimmy Fletcher enters the jazz club Café Society (at approx. 00:05:10). And there's another scene where you can see my blue dress (at approx. 01:12:35).

Click Read More to see some of Myriam's costumes on her Instagram post. 

Dawson teacher’s film opens March 30 across Canada

March 23rd, 2021

From writer-director Jesse Noah Klein (Faculty, Cinema | Communications), LIKE A HOUSE ON FIRE stars Sarah Sutherland, Jared Abrahamson, Hubert Lenoir, Dominique Provost-Chalkley, Margaux Vaillancourt, Amanda Brugel, Sheila McCarthy and Michael Riley.

Distributed by Entract Films, LIKE A HOUSE ON FIRE is produced by Colonelle Films and Woods Entertainment.

Dara returns home to reconnect with her husband and her young daughter, whom she left two years earlier. When she arrives, she discovers that a woman who is seven months pregnant has taken her place.

LIKE A HOUSE ON FIRE will open in select theatres March 26 and be available on-demand across Canada in English and French on March 30.

Click Read More to see the trailer.

Read more about: Recommended video and media coverage of FPPSE storytelling project

Recommended video and media coverage of FPPSE storytelling project

March 9th, 2021

Some media coverage of the FPPSE project:  CBC Breakaway interview with me and Concordia student Lucina Gordon: Radio Canada: Winschgaoug, CBC North Interview with Dawson student Alexandria Matthews in Cree The Link, Concordia paper: Noovo NVL Web TV Interview with Michelle at 4:12 FPPSE project website: 

Dawson student stars in Rustic Oracle

March 9th, 2021

Cinema | Communications student McKenzie Deer Robinson had been interested in acting since she was a kid.

“I was always too shy,” she recalled in an interview with the Communications Office. When she was 16 years old, her mother noticed a call for auditions at the local bank in Kahnawake. “We both thought that maybe this would be my opportunity to try it,” she said.

Click Read More for the homepage news story.

Website live for First Peoples’ Post-Secondary Storytelling Exchange

February 23rd, 2021

A celebration was held online Feb. 16 to launch the new website of the First Peoples' Post-Secondary Storytelling Exchange project. About 170 people attended from all over Quebec and other parts of Canada. An elder opened the event, some of the storytellers shared their experiences, a quliq was lit, a video was premiered and the new website was shown.

There is a great amount of content to read and watch on the website. Perhaps you can begin by viewing this 10-minute video, which was premiered at the event:

City TV broadcast this report on the day of the launch:

Click Read More to visit the new website.

Black Changemakers in Quebec

February 9th, 2021

CBC Quebec has created a series called Black Changemakers in Quebec to celebrate Black History Month.

Click Read More to read inspiring profiles.

Social Science guest lectures available on video series

February 9th, 2021

Since Social Science Week is not taking place this year, Nancy Rebelo (Faculty, History) worked on a project to provide additional resources for our virtual classroom reality. She invited researchers, mostly from Montreal, to film lectures on a variety of topics.

Six videos are currently available on the Dawson Library website that are only accessible to people who have a Dawson network password. There are plans to add more in the coming weeks.

The guest speaker series includes a lecture by a Harvard professor about Roma youth and a very topical lecture about misinformation, COVID-19 and social media by a McGill graduate student.

Each video is 20-30 minutes. Intended to be used by Dawson teachers, they would be especially useful to teachers of methods courses.

A brief description is provided about the topic and the presenter when one clicks on a video from the library page.

Click Read More to see the bank of videos and to get links to watch them.

Tips from Dawson colleagues for surviving isolation

February 9th, 2021

Three colleagues recently shared some great tips for surviving isolation. Here they are:

  • From Jesse Lund (Theatre): Put on a vintage Jazz record recorded at a club, pour yourself a drink and enjoy the sounds of being out. Recommendation: Money Jungle by Duke Ellington
  • From Tiawenti:non Canadian (Student Services-First Peoples' Centre): Find some great podcasts and learn new things. Recommendation: Secret Life of Canada podcast, particularly the episode entitled Crash Course on Mohawk Ironworkers.
  • From Allison Freund (Human Resources): Do breathing exercises for relaxation. Recommendation: Wim Hof Breathing Videos on YouTube 

Do you have a great recommendation to share? Email:

AI Book recommendation

December 15th, 2020

Last month, Vanessa Gordon (Faculty, Political Science) had the pleasure of attending FWD50, an annual gathering of some of the world's leading public sector innovators. Spanning five days and featuring well over 200 speakers, this year's theme addressed how to use technology to bring people together. Vanessa sent this note to D News:

As a Dawson Artifical Intelligence (AI) fellow, I was there to learn about how to teach AI at school: it didn't disappoint! Dr. Paris Buttfield-Addison was one of the stand-outs. He gave a compelling talk about AI in Australian school education. He also recommended the book "Future Frontiers: Education for an AI world", available here:

This is a work where sci-fi and education meets. For example, I learned that by the time my kids are my age, AI is forecast to outperform humans in all tasks. What does this mean for my kids?

As the Aussies say: "This is a lot to do. A lot." This book courageously attempts to elucidate the new skills and values that today's kids will need to live good lives in this world of exponentially evolving AI technologies.

This Christmas, I plan to keep reading this book, along with William Gibson's Neuromancer. Here's to time well spent!

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Last Modified: March 23, 2021


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