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LC Info Session: Thursday Sept 29, 1-4pm Rose Lounge

September 26th, 2022

Have you ever thought it would be interesting to work with another teacher in your classroom?    To bring different disciplinary perspectives into your classes   To create interesting class-based projects that allow students from different courses, or even programs, to work together   To combine your respective expertise and time to design learning opportunities that enable your…

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Call for Proposals: Learning Communities Project Development – Winter 2023

September 21st, 2022

  Faculty interested in integrative learning and collaborative curriculum development are invited to submit proposals for the Winter 2023 phase of Dawson’s Learning Communities project. Proposals will be welcomed from sectors where LCs have already been implemented (Science, Social Science and Certificates/General Education), and equally from other programs and profiles (Pre-U and Careers) interested in…


Winter 2022 Learning Communities Recap

June 20th, 2022

Brainstorming interdisciplinary connections in the new Science program, June 8   I. W22 Project Wrap: Interprofessional Education, Physics for Physiotherapy Technologies and The Temple: Religion and Classics The final meeting of faculty working on W22 LC projects took place on May 30, with reports from all three teams on their accomplishments. Physics for Physiotherapy: Maureen…


Winter 2022 Learning Communities Update

April 19th, 2022

  Three new Learning Community projects are in development this Winter 2022 semester.  Two projects, Physics for Physiotherapy and Inter-professional Education, illustrate the continued expansion of LC curriculum development to career programs, specifically in the medical technologies, where collaboration between program and contributing discipline faculty aims to optimize student learning.  A third project, LCs for…


Learning Communities Course Development Update – Winter 2021

April 1st, 2021

Winter 2021 course development is underway in the Learning Communities project, with six teams and a total of twelve teachers working on eleven new courses to be launched in the F21 and W22 semesters.  Working remotely imposes significant constraints on the course design process, just as it does with teaching.  However, as in the second…


Why Develop Learning Communities in Certificates?

October 7th, 2020

In their essence, Certificates at Dawson are learning communities that aspire to engage students and teachers –across their respective programs and disciplines – in a shared area of interest.   Our existing and developing Certificates address some of the most important and engaging issues of our time: Current Certificates: Peace Studies Women’s/Gender Studies Decolonization and…


Learning Communities in General Education: Innovation, Interdisciplinarity, Collaboration, and Real-world Applications

October 7th, 2020

From its inception in Fall 2015, Learning Communities (LCs) at Dawson College has aimed to create structured opportunities for Dawson faculty from different departments to work together to co-design and co-teach interdisciplinary courses. These new curricular structures are designed to facilitate the forging of interdisciplinary insights and connections; permit a closer integration of classroom and experiential learning;…

Call for Proposals: New Learning Community Projects – Winter 2021

September 29th, 2020

 Faculty interested in integrative learning and collaborative curriculum development are invited to submit a proposal to participate in the Winter 2021 phase of Dawson’s Learning Community project. Proposals will be welcomed from sectors where LCs have already been implemented (Science, Social Science and Certificates/General Education), and equally from programs and profiles (Pre-U and Careers) not already…

Winter 2020 Project Updates

June 15th, 2020

Despite the COVID-19 disruption this winter, work proceeded on 7 different Learning Communities projects involving 15 different teachers. Following are capsule reports from each team on their progress.   I.  Improved integration of statistics in the Analytical Chemistry program   – Steve Holden (Chemistry) and Rodney Acteson (Mathematics) We developed activities to better integrate statistics into…

Spring Brainstorming Sessions

April 29th, 2019

This winter, working groups in Social Science, Enriched Science and Certificates have been generating plans for future developments in the Learning Communities project.  In April, all three groups invited faculty in their respective domains to participate in brainstorming sessions that cast a wide net for ideas related to collaborative teaching and interdisciplinary learning.    …

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Last Modified: September 30, 2022


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