Winter 2022 updates from Dawson AI


As we wind down the Winter term, the DawsonAI Initiative would like to share some final announcements for the year, and celebrate the work and contributions of the 2021-22 A.I. Fellows.

New Teaching Community of Practice Portfolios

The portfolios of the 2021-2022 class of the Dawson A.I.-themed teaching Community of Practice are now available on our website:

There is a deep well of ideas and resources there from 6 faculty members, which you are free to explore and take inspiration from if you are interested in incorporating A.I.-themed material in your own courses. This year’s cohort of portfolios includes:

Sarah AllenHumanities/PhilosophyA.I. and Social Media Literacy

Andrew KatzEnglishWriting an A.I.-Themed Story for Kids

Michel Fournier-SimardPolitical ScienceAlgorithmic Policing

Patricia CampbellComputer ScienceExploring Machine Learning on an Internet of Things Edge Cluster

Daniel Goldsmith Humanities –  A.I. and the Future of Spirituality

Kasia WolfsonAnthropologySeeing is Not Believing: Visual Literacy in the Age of A.I.


New Fellows for the 2022-2023 Teaching Community of Practice

We would also like to announce the A.I.-themed Teaching CoP incoming class! There are 5 new Fellows for next year, interested in working on 4 curricular projects:

A.I. Revelations in Health Sciences

Annie-Hélène SamsonBiology

Yoon-Seo UhChemistry


AI and Psychology

Caroline Chochol Psychology


Exploring and Conveying the Societal Impact of Bias in AI

James BodzayComputer Science


Natural Language Processing, Communications Technology, and the Epistemology of Crowd-sourcing

Brian RedekoppPhilosophy/Humanities


Symposium at SALTISE

Fellows from both the Teaching and Research Communities of Practice — Sarah Allen (Humanities/Philosophy), Andrew Katz (English), and Victor Ponce (Computer Science) — along with Dawson A.I. coordinators Joel Trudeau and Robert Stephens will be hosting a symposium at this year’s SALTISE conference, on Thursday June 2, 3:45-5:00pm, entitled A.I. in the Active Learning Classroom.


NovaScience Grant Collaboration with AI Launch Lab

DawsonAI and AI Launch Lab are proud to announce another exciting opportunity for Dawson students to learn AI through hands-on workshops that will take place on Saturdays this summer. One of the goals is to explore ways of connecting this student enrichment experience with program curriculum across disciplines as the partnership evolves. The program was offered in Fall 2021 as a pilot. In this iteration, with financial support from the Ministère de l’Économie et de l’Innovation’s NovaScience grant, we will be able to offer 6 more cohorts and 2 conferences over the next 2 years where students can present projects and other learning outcomes.


Last Modified: June 2, 2022