Student Email

As a current Dawson student, you have an official Dawson College email address
Username: firstname.lastname[at]
Password: Your Dawson *network password.
*The network password is used to login to the computers on campus.
If firstname.lastname[at] doesn’t work please try the Student Email Finder
Microsoft 365
As a current Dawson student, you also have access to Microsoft 365 applications for your PC or Mac, iOS or Android device. This gives you free licenses for 10 different Microsoft applications including Word, PowerPoint, Excel, OneNote, Outlook and Skype for Business.

For your PC and Mac, download the software from the Microsoft 365 site. For your tablets and phones, use your app store. You can install the software on up to five machines and devices.
For more info, visit our Microsoft 365 FAQ.
If you need technical support, please contact using your Dawson College e-mail address.