November 30th, 2022
Last night (Nov. 22) we watched an award show for remarkable research in Canada under the Mitacs banner. There were 8 very outstanding initiatives highlighted and honoured. These award-winning undertakings were fascinating, socially relevant, pertinent for entrepreneurial action in science, medicine, indigenous life, international collaboration, and the creation of new thinking models. Very laudable on…
November 2nd, 2022
Experiential Learning The Applied AI Institute at Concordia University is supporting a collaborative project between Concordia Continuing Education and Dawson College to develop experiential learning (EL) opportunities for students interested in AI. A call has gone out to Applied AI Institute members to recruit faculty who are interested in offering students experiential learning opportunities. The…
70 Dawson students signed up for AI workshops this fall
September 21st, 2022
Dawson AI and AI Launch Lab are hosting a series of workshops, which will give Dawson students the opportunity to learn AI through hands-on learning. The workshop series will cover a wide range of AI topics including data manipulation, fundamental machine learning models, deep learning, reinforcement learning and other advanced topics.
70 Dawson students are signed up to take part in the workshops. The series of eight workshops will begin this Saturday, Sept. 24 and end on Nov. 19. Students will have the opportunity to present their work and learnings at the end of the program.
This workshop series is available to college students in Quebec and is made possible by the generous funding of a NovaScience Program grant awarded to DawsonAI from the Ministère de l’Économie et de l’Innovation.
Click Read More for a look at the AI Launch Lab Fall 2022 program.
June 1st, 2022
As we wind down the Winter term, the DawsonAI Initiative would like to share some final announcements for the year, and celebrate the work and contributions of the 2021-22 A.I. Fellows. New Teaching Community of Practice Portfolios The portfolios of the 2021-2022 class of the Dawson A.I.-themed teaching Community of Practice are now available on…
May 4th, 2022
Eight Dawson students have presented the work they have been doing at ScienceFest 2022 as interns as part of DawsonAI’s collaboration with industry partner Ciena, a postdoctoral researcher and university partners from Concordia and ÉTS to promote the study of innovative AI-enabled applications for the future of 5G in Canada. This is a one-of-a-kind opportunity…
December 1st, 2021
Partnerships: DawsonAI has joined forces with AI Launch Lab to offer Dawson students free access to hands-on workshops where they learn principles of data science and artificial intelligence and apply that knowledge towards real-world problems and projects. There are plans to run this workshop series again in future semesters. DawsonAI is collaborating with the Computer…
DawsCon is Jan. 14
December 1st, 2021
Dawson College will again be hosting its free one-day software conference in Montreal. This conference is bringing speakers from around the world to speak to students and developers on a wide range of topics concerning software development. You chose to be a programmer and one of the commitments this entails is to lifelong learning. DawsCon is the ideal place to start or continue!
The event is free to attend and targeted at students, professional software developers and anyone with a general curiosity.
Click Read More to go the event page with the schedule and more information.
May 4th, 2021
The DALC, DawsonAI, and Korbit Technologies invite the entire Dawson community to a talk by the CEO of Korbit Technologies (Iulian Serban), followed by a hands-on interactive workshop on the theme of intelligent tutoring systems. When: Friday, May 7th 2021 from 2:30 PM to 4:30 PM. The talk will end at around 3:20 PM and…

An Introduction to the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence April 12
April 7th, 2021
Monday, April 12, from 4-5:15 p.m.
Abstract: This talk will propose a map of the main ethical issues raised by recent developments in artificial intelligence: the existential risk of a hostile AI, human replacement, surveillance, and manipulation. It will also discuss the best way to program robots, such as autonomous cars or chatbots.
Zoom link:
The entire Dawson community is invited to attend (no RSVP needed, unless you intend to bring a class). For more information, please email Carl Saucier-Bouffard at
Bio: Martin Gibert is a researcher in the ethics of artificial intelligence at the Université de Montréal (affiliated with IVADO and the Centre de recherche en éthique). He has published Faire la morale aux robots: une introduction à l’éthique des algorithmes (Atelier 10), L'imagination en morale (Hermann) and Voir son steak comme un animal mort (Lux). He also keeps a blog on the ethics of artificial intelligence, La quatrième blessure.
DawsonAI presents Coded Bias April 12-18
April 7th, 2021
Filmmaker Shalini Kantayya´s Coded Bias, which premiered at the 2020 Sundance Film Festival, will be available to everyone at Dawson College for a week beginning Monday, April 12. Presented by DawsonAI, the film explores the fallout of MIT Media Lab researcher Joy Buolamwini´s startling discovery that facial recognition does not see dark-skinned faces and women accurately, and her journey to push for the first-ever legislation in the U.S. to govern against bias in the algorithms that impact us all.
For faculty wishing to screen this film synchronously with their students and/or make the screening part of their asynchronous curricular activities, please inform Myriam Dimanche via email at
To get your free access to view the film on demand April 12-18, send an email to
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Last Modified: December 1, 2022