Montreal Oil Refineries Field Trip

April 1st, 2015

The principle objective of this trip was to observe the direct consequences on the natural surroundings around the oil refineries in Montréal-Est. The central themes of the project were the environmental consequences of the oil refineries and the relationship between the refineries and the residents and wildlife of the borough. The project combined students from a “Reflections” course and the Advanced Environmental Studies course. The main component of the tour consisted of stops at six sites within Montréal-Est. Students from the Reflections course had to take notes on what they observed (and make connections with specific passages from Daniel Quinn’s Ishmael). Students within the Advanced Environmental Studies course had to take pictures, write notes, and take weigh points (using a handheld GPS) as part of a class project.

Oil Refineries

Last Modified: December 14, 2017