Literature Spring 2022

“We are such stuff as dreams are made on, and our little life is rounded with a sleep.”
― William Shakespeare, The Tempest

Literature Profile Academic Conference
THURSDAY, APRIL 28TH, 2022, from 4:00 to 6:00, in 5b.13
Dawson College, Montreal, Quebec
As part of the Arts, Literature, and Communication Festival, Literature Profile graduating students in Liana Bellon’s Integrating Activity course present their end-of-term projects.
Welcome statement: Laury Charland
Panel One: Considering Character
This first panel, moderated by Elizabeth Woo, focuses on iconic characters in fiction.
Marco Deveaux
A Master of Emotions: An Analysis of Sherlock Holmes in Doyle’s The Sign of Four
Alexis Cairns
Sympathetic Villainy: On Guilt and Punishment in Shakespeare’s Richard III and Milton’s Paradise Lost
Kayla Scalia
An Analysis of Poe’s Spirits of the Dead and Dickens’ A Christmas Carol
Panel Two: Nature and the Individual
This panel, moderated by Marisa Mitchell, explores how particular characters experience their natural surroundings.
Adrian Darwent
An Analysis of Nature and Rejection in Coupland’s Life After God
Charlotte Morris
Bugs, Beasts, and the Hound: Animal and Insect Imagery in Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451
Victoria Volpato
Temptations Away from Solitude in Keats and Dickinson
Closing comments
Presentation of the Literature Profile Award for Best Paper to Victoria Volpato

Sara Burgoyne’s, Andrea Strudensky’s, and Tavish Mcdonell’s classes Monday, May 9th 1:00 – 2:00 Oliver’s (2C.17). Come hear the creative work of students from the 2022 ALC Creative Writing and Literature and Creative Practice classes !! Mocktails and snacks will be served. Snapping is mandatory.

The Bigger Picture Magazine Launch Jeff Gandell’s class Thursday May 12 in 3H.10. Section 12 12:30 – 1:30. Section 13 2:- 3:30. Join students as they launch their online magazine of feature stories. These compelling stories wrestle with important questions like: “Why are pets so peeves so annoying?”, “Why are women waiting longer to have kids?”, ” Why are some people transphobic?”, and much more! Hear the authors read their works and chat with them about their processes of creating these profound thoughtful stories.